Archives March 2023

Makeup samt klageblogg Monday Poll, Vol. 206

Fortsett å se opp …

Du lurer kanskje på, “Så hva er det i mandag, men ikke noe?”
Vel, det er ikke mye av en meningsmåling. Det er mye mer bare en jevnlig utviklende (devolving?), Noe tilfeldig notering av bekymringer jeg har satt ut til besøkende hver mandag morgen de siste fire årene. Jeg har alltid vært glede i å lese svarene dine i kommentarene, så vel som jeg håper du gleder deg til å lese min.


Vel, jeg er på cusp mellom masete så vel som glad. Jeg har slått en kald med å vurdere det i går, så vel som fortsatt føles litt ned, så jeg skal prøve å ta det enkelt i dag.

Hvordan føler du deg om Teal Eyeliner?

Jeg føler meg fantastisk om det. Ikke så mye nå i midten av vinteren, men absolutt om våren så vel som sommer, spesielt parret med oransje lepper.

Navnet på en parfyme du eier, men aldri på deg?

Chanel nr. 5. Jeg fikk en flaske som en gave noen år tilbake, så vel som jeg alltid har likt duften, men jeg føler fortsatt ikke heller at den passer meg ennå. Jeg holder det, skjønt, siden jeg ser ut til å like det mye mer, så vel som mye mer hvert år.

Har du noen gang lagt merke til …

… Alle annonsene Catering til Feline Women i Genuine Basic Magazine? Seriøst er det nesten som alle andre siden har noe å lage med kitty kull, våt mat eller eliminere feline hår fra sofaen.

Jeg antas at deres leser inkluderer en høy del av feline kvinner (selv inkludert, haha!).

En duft som minner deg om ungdomsårene dine?

Bath & Body Works Juniper Breeze … Jeg må ha gått med 50 liter av de tingene.

Hvor er ditt foretrukne sted å lurte?

Enten nede på sofaen eller oppe på gulvet på kontoret mitt (ved siden av faner, selvfølgelig).

Morsomt, men jeg skjønte bare at jeg aldri virkelig nap i sengen min.

Hva er det aller beste med mandager?

Jeg liker konseptet med mandager som en ny start.

Hvordan er håret ditt i dag?

Ikke verst. Jeg justert den i går, så vel som ikke har vasket den ennå, så det er ikke frizzy, som er bra, så vel som bangene mine oppfører seg (jeg tror på å vokse dem ut).

Hva er den mest avgjørende tingen du ser etter i en lipgloss i tillegg til farge?

Fuktighet. Jeg krever en tonn av det siden leppene mine blir ekstremt tørre.

Ukentlige mål:

Jeg tempererer mine ambisjoner denne uken, så jeg vil bare ta det lett, få mye hvile, så vel som å holde dette kjølig i sjakk, om mulig.


Hva med deg? Nøyaktig hvordan har du det i morges? Hadde du en flott helg? Jeg håper du var i stand til å skjære ut litt “meg” tid for deg selv (det er viktig).

Tabs sitter her ved siden av skrivebordet mitt og nyter fuglene i eiketreet utenfor vinduet, så vel som purr-chirping opp en storm!

Jeg ønsker at jeg følte meg litt bedre ideell nå, så vel som vi kanskje alle henger ut i dag, så vel som gjør noe morsomt (som et museum, en sminkebord eller en film), men vurderer at innovasjon ikke heller har fått oss der ennå , for nå i det minste må mandagsundersøkelsen gjøre.

For å fullføre mandagsundersøkelsen, bare kopier det som følger med listen, samt lim den inn med svarene dine i kommentarene.

1. Stemning:
2. exactly how do you feel about teal eyeliner?
3. The name of a perfume you own however never wear?
4. have you ever noticed…
5. A scent that reminds you of your teen years?
6. Where’s your preferred location to nap?
7. What’s the very best thing about Mondays?
8. How’s your hair today?
9. What’s the most crucial thing you look for in a lipgloss besides color?
10. Vanlige mål:


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Let’s take a couple of deep, cleansing breaths together, babe. In as well as out. In as well as out. Ah…


All together now, “Today is the begin of a fantastic week.”

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


Den fabelaktige allsidige Mac flatter meg Pearlmatte Deal med pulver lokker kvinner som liker koraller

ved hjelp av Mac Pearlmatte Deal med pulver ($ 29), fra den nye Archie’s Women Collection, rundt ansiktet mitt
Åh, Mac Pearlmatte Deal med pulver i flatter meg … de tingene jeg ville forelede. Jeg ville bære din letterman jakke på 90 graders vær, selv om det er tre størrelser så godt for meg. Jeg vil komponere deg som brev, old-skole stil, så vel som glide dem i skapet ditt. Jeg vil la deg vinne på Scrabble (mesteparten av tiden), så vel som alltid gi deg den siste delen av pizza.



Fordi jeg du, håndterer MAC Pearlmatte med pulver i flattere meg, så vel som de ganske hjerter i pannen din, som fremkaller handlinger fra meg, vanligvis reservert for kattungevideoer (“Awwww!”).

En highlighter fra den nye Mac Archie’s Women Collection, kombinerer meg, kombinerer en panne med Peachy Golden Shell Pearl Appeal Powder (som du kanskje husker fra friheten til London Collection) med hjerter av Golden Coral dumme meg rødme.

Pearlmatte Deal med pulver i flatere meg ($ 29), en gylden peachy base (skjønnhetspulver i Shell Pearl) med korallhjerter (pulver rødme på dumme meg)
Det gir den varme, butterscotch gløden av en sen sommersolnedgang … selv i midten av vinteren.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Med smigre meg, får jeg den følelsen at Mac forsøkte å lokke tilbake kvinnene som falt i som med Shell Pearl Appeal Powder fra Liberty of London Collection.

Jeg var en av de damene, så vel som til denne dagen! – Shell Pearl er en av mine all-time-foretrukne Mac-produkter (her er en gammel video hvor jeg snakker om det; inspiser nøyaktig hvor mørkt håret mitt var da da!).

Flattere meg er søte korallhjerter gir den integrerte fargen en litt rosa tone, så det er ikke en død-på Dupe for Shell Pearl lenger (tror søstre, mot tvillinger). Men med mindre du har preternatural, er superhuman feline øyne, muligheter at selv om du er den mest dedikerte Mac Aficionado denne siden av Rockies, vil du ikke kunne se forskjellen fra en armlengde unna.

Jeg liker det.

Jeg liker det så mye at hvis jeg skulle få en tekst fra Ryan Gosling ideell på dette ekstremt øyeblikk – “Hei K. Du, meg, sør for Frankrike i helgen? JA NEI?” – Jeg ville ta med meg, på grunn av den myke, satin, lysende lyset, det gir huden min, så vel som pore- og fine line diffuserende krefter. som ungdommens fontene i en panne.

Og som den som er litt irriterende kvinne i yogaklasse som uanstrengt glir fra nåtid til presentere som menneskelig origami (har jeg noen gang påpekt at jeg suger på yoga?), Flattere meg er oh-så fleksibel. Jeg kan bære den som en highlighter, en øyeskygge eller til og med blandet med fundament eller tonet fuktighetskrem.

Cream Soda Powder Blush til venstre, så vel som flatter meg Pearlmatte Deal med pulver til høyre
Noen ganger vil jeg til og med buffere alt over min avtale med som Bobbi Brown lysingen fullfører pulver fra den nye Shimmer & Glow-samlingen, som jeg trodde på aller første ville være “for mye”, men hvis jeg buffer det lett med en pulverbørste, Jeg lover jeg ser en 27 år gammel Karen som ser tilbake på meg i speilet.

Pearlmatte Deal med pulver ($ 29)

Coral spiller en stor funksjon i Archie’s Women Betty Under-samling. Mac har det i øyet, leppen, kinnet samt nagelprodukter, men hvis jeg måtte velge bare en korall blant hva som helst fra utgivelsen, ville flatere meg være min.

Pris: $ 29
Tilgjengelighet: Kommer 30. januar til cyberspace, til butikker samt tellere 7. februar, så vel som internasjonalt i mars
Makeup samt klageblogg rating: a +


Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


P.S. Tgif!

Two ways to Win $78 in benefit Brow products

WINNER: The giveaway is closed now, and the winner is Catherine G! Congratulations, Catherine! If you entered but didn’t win this time around, keep trying, and click here to enter any ongoing giveaways before you jet.

I can say with 100% certainty that the chances of you catching me without my brows filled in are slim to none. I never leave home without them…groomed.

The very thought of walking around town with wild brows sends shivers down my spine! Okay…maybe not shivers, but you get the idea. I’d no sooner forget my purse on a park bench than forget to tend to my brows. even when I’m just leaving for a quick walk around the neighborhood with Tabs, my brows are always did.


Does my obsession sound familiar? Do you browbeat your brows fret about your brows too? If you feel like yours could use a little babying, maybe today’s giveaway can help. The prize is three (3) of my tried-and-true benefit Brow favorites (a prize package worth $78).

Instant Brow Pencil — brows treated to this pencil look great in pictures. get soft, natural-looking brows in less than a minute.

High brown lifting Pencil — For adding definition and lift to your brow arch, which really opens up the eyes.

Brows A-Go-Go — A go-to product for makeup looks that call for strong, early ’80s Brooke Shields brows.


Ready to brow down?

One (1) benefit instant Brow Pencil in Light (a $20 value)

One (1) benefit High Brow lifting Pencil (a $20 value)

One (1) benefit brows a Go-Go Brow and Eye Shaping kit (a $38 value)

There are two ways to enter, and you can do both of them for two chances to win. First, you can enter by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post, a comment about anything at all, like, have you ever had to a terrible mishap with your brows? When did you start paying attention to your brows? What’s your idea brow look? You get the idea.

Second, you can enter by following me on Twitter @karenmbb and retweeting (RT) the following message:

Follow @karenmbb and RT to Win $78 in benefit Brow products

The deadline to enter is Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 11:59PM (PT).

Entrants must enter using a valid email address and/or Twitter account to win.

A maximum of two (2) entries per person — one within the comments at the bottom of this post, and a second entry via Twitter addressed to me @karenmbb.

Contest is open to individuals of any country who have reached the age of majority according to their local laws (18 in the united states with these exceptions: Alabama and Nebraska, 19; Mississippi, 21).

Tabs and I (heretofore referred to as “T-Money and K-Dawg”) will select one (1) winner at random from the entries either left in the comments at the bottom of this blog post or addressed to @karenmbb on Twitter.

The winner will be announced here within 48 hours of the deadline.

Void where prohibited by law.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


Cats & makeup Sweatshirt ??


Shop Now


WINNER: The giveaway is closed now, and the winner is Catherine G! Congratulations, Catherine! If you entered but didn’t win this time around, keep trying, and click here to enter any ongoing giveaways before you jet.

Bare lurer på

Er jeg den eneste tilgjengelige seriøst vurderer et bunny-tema juletre i år? Jeg tror det ville være virkelig kult.

Bunny ornamenter av antropologie. Jeg liker paljene i ørene, tilbehørene (benvarmerne!) Så vel som nøyaktig hvordan de alle ser litt gretten ut.


Lilla så vel som grå

es 11 Benifuji
En av mine fave øyenskygge farge combos …

Møt Sensai Colors Eyeshadow Palettes i Es 11 Benifuji, så vel som Es 14 Shira Kasane, $ 50 hver. Oppdag dem på Neiman Marcus butikker, så vel som

Es 14 shira kasane


Makeup as well as appeal blog Monday Poll, Oct. 24

absolutely lovin’ Warby Parker…

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Well, it isn’t much of a poll. It’s a lot more just a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been putting out to visitors every Monday morning for the past three years, which I assumption makes this somewhere around Vol. 191. I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, as well as I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.


Happy however still quite tired. I got in late last night from Santa Monica, as well as as much as I take pleasure in traveling, the actual traveling part of it truly uses me out. This pumpkin chai latte from Starbucks must help, though.

If you might dine (for free) anywhere in the world tonight, where would it be?

Tonight, a lot more than new Orleans, Barcelona, Tuscany, Buenos Aires, Paris, Vancouver or Hong Kong, I’d select my parents’ home in Union City, California, the sinigang funding of my world.

Sinigang is a filipino sour tamarind stew made with rice, vegetables as well as fish, or one more meat, as well as I couldn’t picture anything much better than having a huge bowl of it for dinner tonight before curling up on the instructor in front of the TV.

Do you have any type of siblings?

Jeg gjør. I’m the eldest of two. My infant brother, who isn’t much of a infant anymore, turned 30 this year.

If your family pets might talk, what would they state about you?

Probably, “B*tch, where’s my gravy?”

Which one do you comply with a lot of often, your heart or your head?

Mitt hjerte. I’m a firm believer in opting for your gut.

What are three tunes on your road trip playlist?

Roam by the B52s, Interstate like tune by stone temple Pilots as well as Michael Jackson’s Wanna Be starting Something.

Would you think about yourself distinguished or popular for anything in particular?

Well, people do like my blueberry peach cobbler. Oh, as well as I’m quite popular among my buddies as well as household for being able to go from breezy to bratty in 10 seconds or less.

Your preferred location for dessert?

Without a doubt, Pinkberry! I miss it already…

Scariest motion picture you’ve ever seen?

KJÆRE VENE! I desire I might go back in time to when I was four years old as well as un-see Salem’s Lot. never having seen that motion picture would have saved me lots of a sleepless night.

Weekly goals:

Get back into my exercise routine before I autumn out of the routine entirely, get back into the routine of eating salads a few times per week, make some headway on my reading list, as well as smile!


Hei venn. I’m glad to be typing this from my desk at house as well as not from my laptop in a hotel room. things were type of chaotic over the weekend with The appeal Social stuff, as well as I’m still getting back on track.

I believe the appeal blogging panel went well yesterday, as well as I’m delighted to report that I did NOT autumn walking as much as the stage, so that’s one recurring headache that has yet to transpire in genuine life. I’m afraid, though, that my bangs looked a bit as well Lloyd Christmassy… a lot more on that in a few.

If you have a minute, stop by as well as state hi in this week’s Monday Poll. I feel like we haven’t talked in ages.

To total the Monday Poll, just copy the complying with list, as well as paste it with your answers in the comments.

1. Mood:
2. If you might dine (for free) anywhere in the world tonight, where would it be?
3. Do you have any type of siblings?
4. If your family pets might talk, what would they state about you?
5. Which one do you comply with a lot of often, your heart or your head?
6. What are three tunes on your road trip playlist?
7. would you think about yourself distinguished or popular for anything in particular?
8. Your preferred location for dessert?
9. Scariest motion picture you’ve ever seen?
10. regular goals:


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå


If you’re having a hard Monday so far, hang in there, love! We’ll get with it, I swear.

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


Four appeal Pick-Me-Ups From René Furterer, Repêchage, Dolce & Gabbana and Estée Lauder

kicking off the week with a stunning start! Well, trying to at least.

Last weekend, ugh! — absolutely floored me. That two-day migraine felt like a symphony of jackhammers in my head, and it was rough. It’s gone now, thank goodness, and I’m feeling a lot more like myself again.


So, earlier today, just as I was about to jump back into the pet assisting grind, I thought, “Ya know what? What I need ideal now is to do something that makes me feel really, really great, even if it’s just for a half an hour.”

I needed a appeal pick-me-up, so I made a cup of chamomile tea, grabbed a few new fave appeal products from René Furterer, Repêchage, Dolce & Gabbana and Estée Lauder, and told Tabs that I’d back to work in a few.

René Furterer Karité intense Nourishing Mask

René Furterer Karité intense Nourishing Mask ($46), available now at salons, appeal stores and online
First buy of business: a hot shower and René Furterer’s Karité intense Nourishing Mask ($46 for a 6.93-ounce jar), a five-minute deep conditioning treatment for dry hair that smoothes and hydrates with a mix of fair-trade shea butter and plant oils.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??


Handle nå

I just started using it last week, and I think it’s the reason why I had a series of near-epic hair days — like, the best I’ve had in months. Karité adds body, shine and leaves my hair smelling like lilies. Jeg elsker det!

Repêchage Hydra Dew Illuminating cream Mask

Repêchage Hydra Dew Illuminating cream Mask ($38), available now at spas and online
Have I pointed out that I’ve been on a face mask kick? I don’t know, but there’s something about a good face mask that gives me…hope, LOL! I’m also a big fan of sitting on my butt and doing absolutely nothing while I wait for a mask to work its magic.

My skin’s been a little dry lately (you know, ’cause winter) so after I jumped out of the shower, I applied a layer of Illuminating cream Mask for normal to dry Skin ($38 for a 2-ounce tube) by Repêchage, an under-the-radar brand actually carried in spas all over the world. Their whole line consists of products with “nutrient-rich seaweed” harvested off the Brittany coast of France.

After 10 minutes, I tissued off the mask and could nearly hear my skin sighing with relief. Ahh…

Dolce & Gabbana Desire

Dolce & Gabbana desire Eau de Parfum ($93), available now at Dolce & Gabbana counters and online
If I could, I’d hug every single one of the perfumers over at Dolce & Gabbana. I feel like they get me, ya know (says the girl who wore Light Blue on her wedding day)?

Desire’s, a de-lovely fruity floral, is their newest scent ($93 for a 1.6-ounce bottle). It lasts all day long for me and brings to mind overseas adventures, exploring foreign cities at night with a new love.

The official fragrance notes include…

Top notes: Mandarin, lychee, bergamot and Lily of the Valley

Middle notes: Madonna lily, Indian Tuberose, jasmine and plum nectar

Base notes: Vanilla-infused caramel, sandalwood, musk and cistus labdanum (a resin from a Mediterranean shrub)

One spritz and I felt like a new girl.

Estée Lauder French nude Collection nail Lacquers in Bittersweet and So Vain

Estée Lauder’s French nude Collection nail Lacquers in Bittersweet on the left and So Vain on the ideal ($20 each), available now at Estée Lauder counters and online
I wrapped up my appeal improve today with a quick at-home polish change using two Pure color nail Lacquers ($20 each) from Estee Lauder’s new French Nudes, a five-piece summer collection of neutral shades. I painted my fingers with creamy dark brown Bittersweet and my toes with rosy beige So Vain.


If you can, please take some time today — even if it’s just a 10-minute break with a cup of tea — to do something that makes you feel good. It’s important, you know?

Din vennlige nabolag appellavhengige,


Sminke samt sjarm blogg mandag avstemning, vol. 236

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Vel, det er ikke mye av en meningsmåling. Det er mye mer bare en kontinuerlig utvikling (devolving?), Noe tilfeldig notering av bekymringer jeg har satt ut til besøkende hver mandag morgen de siste fire årene. Jeg har alltid glad i å lese svarene dine i kommentarene, så vel som jeg håper du gleder deg til å lese min.

Overwhelmed! — as well as desperately trying to stay calm. I woke up on edge this morning since I didn’t get whatever I wished to get done last weekend.

Geez…and now my heart’s racing after typing that sentence. I much better do my deep-breathing exercises!

Tilbake til skolen! Where is (or was) your preferred location to study?
Back in high school, I did many of my studying in my room. It was quiet, comfy as well as totally free of distractions — no computer or phone, believe it or not (this was the early ’90s).

Then in college, I typically alternated between the library as well as my room. Some late nights, though, I’d go to this peaceful 24-hour research study space on school we called “the morgue.” I’ve always been quickly distracted, so I requirement peaceful locations to study, depending upon the subject.

On unusual occasions, as well as only when the subject was math, for some reason, I’d do my homework at a cafe.

Again, exactly how do you feel now about boots with fringe?
Still undecided. I saw a couple of pairs at Target last Friday that I believed might look adorable on some people, however I don’t understand if I’m one of ’em…

Vi får se. I may modification my mind at DSW later today. I’m believing about making a pit stop there after work since shoes always calm me down…

We’re much more than halfway to 2013. What are three things you’d like to achieve by the end of this year?
Unsurprisingly, many of mine have to finish with getting the condo in order. STILL, after much more than three years here, I have an unfurnished dining room, so 1), I want to get some frickin’ furniture (YARGH!!), 2) organize my office, thereby making me less prone to fits of rage borne out of disorganization, as well as 3) get Tabs a new feline tower (one that isn’t falling apart at the seams).

When are at your most/least productive?
I feel at my finest from about 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. as well as my worst from about 4 p.m. videre.

If you were a breed of cat, what breed would you be?
A Ragdoll! Fluffy, simple going as well as developed for love? indication me up.

Best location to get a cup of coffee in your town?
This will most likely noise awfully unoriginal, however Starbucks brews a imply cup ’round here.

Which reminds me — their pumpkin lattes are the bomb dot com! I may have to get one of those today…

Do you view any type of late-night talk shows?
I utilized to, however not so much anymore. I went with a David Letterman phase in college since that’s what everybody I understood watched, however now, reality be told, I’m typically in bed. Plus, I figure if something truly funny or fascinating transpires, I’ll hear about it the complying with day online.

When was the last time you viewed a sunset?
I believe about a month ago. The windows on one side of our location deal with west, so I get a quite great view of the sun falling below some hills off in the distance.

I keep in mind walking into the bedroom upstairs to do something, looking up at the windows as well as going, “Wow!” The sky was this incredible mix of pink as well as orange, as well as it was extremely comforting, so I just hung available for a bit as well as watched.

Ukentlige mål:
To begin tracking my runs on my workout calendar again, to discover a new book to read, as well as to chill-the-eff out, LOL!

Good morning, wonderful friend, as well as pleased Monday! exactly how was your weekend?


Mine was relaxing, however that’s partly since I skipped a few of my chores… On Saturday, I went to my nephew’s birthday celebration as well as went to my parents out in the east Bay. then on Sunday I just chilled at house as well as watched, like, eight back-to-back episodes of My feline from Hell.

I really wept for the very first time ever viewing that show! It was the episode with the 23-year-old orange tabby feline named Pump. [Sniffs] Pump wasn’t great with limits in the house, as well as it was interfering with his owners’ house business, so they were contemplating taking him to a shelter. Please tell me I’m not the only person who bawls her eyes out while viewing animal Planet…

If you have a minute this morning, I’d like to hear from you in the Monday Poll.

For å fullføre mandagsundersøkelsen, bare kopier det som følger med listen, samt lim den inn med svarene dine i kommentarene.

1. Stemning:
2. Where is (or was) your preferred location to study?
3. Again, exactly how do you feel now about boots with fringe?
4. What are three things you’d like to achieve by the end of this year?
5. When arePå din mest / minst produktive?
6. Hvis du var en rase av katt, hvilken rase ville du være?
7. Fineste beliggenhet for å få en kopp kaffe i byen din?
8. Ser du sent-night talk show?
9. Når var den siste gangen du så på en solnedgang?
10. Vanlige mål:


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå


Ha en utmerket dag. Snakk med deg snart.

Ditt vennlige samfunn sjarmavhengig,
