Makeup as well as beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 252

Shauna the Wonderdog is prepared to party!

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”

Vel, det er ikke mye av en meningsmåling. It’s more just a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been putting out to visitors every Monday morning for the past four years. I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, as well as I hope you enjoy reading mine.

Jeg har det bra. I’m a bit anxious just since I type of want to play hooky today as well as spend the last day of the year doing fun things out as well as about.

What’s one thing you’ve been doing a great deal lately?
Spiser. whatever that comes across my path. since at household celebrations, um, there’s just a ton of food, as well as it’s everywhere.

What’s one of the very best things that occurred to you in 2012?
I went to Kauai last spring with El Hub. It was one of those things where I truly needed a vacation, as well as it was the perfect type of vacation that I needed at the time. I didn’t do much, just hung out at the beach, swam my bit mermaid’s heart out, as well as I hung out with the beach kitties. It was relaxing as well as just fun.

What are you expecting in 2013?
I’m thinking…to be honest, I would like to have my work as well as my personal life balanced. I want to be able to compose with enthusiasm as well as joy as well as not feel so upset when I get a bout of writer’s block.


Are you protective of anyone?
Ja. My cat, my sibling as well as El Hub, although El Hub doesn’t truly requirement a great deal of protecting. perhaps just protecting from himself when he buys clothes.

What fragrance have you been loving lately? have you been loving any type of fragrances lately?
Ja. Coco Mademoiselle. I’ve been using it since about 2007, off as well as on. When I went to that Chanel thing, that trolley thing a couple weeks ago, I just kind of fell in like with Chanel scents again.

Have you ever worked a retail task over the holidays?
Yeah. Jen as well as I did a ton of retail tasks together when I was in college. the most unforgettable one was when we worked at the restricted together over Christmas. I just keep in mind the soundtrack in the store… They played Motown all the time, as well as we had so much fun. I offered a ton of fuzzy sweatshirts to clueless dudes, as well as handbag wallets.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Overall, exactly how would you define 2012?
It was a great year. You get older, as well as you begin to recognize that you’re not going to have your household around forever, so when you make it with one more year, as well as everybody’s healthy, as well as you still have your core household members around, you’re just truly happy. I mean, these days I get excited to just have things stay the same, even though I understand that seems truly boring.

Hva gjør du i kveld? Are you going out for new Year’s?
I still don’t know! No parties. I STILL DON’T KNOW!! El Hub as well as I aren’t precisely “planning” (insert air quotes) people. I have a feeling we’re going to wing it, or end up eating a pizza in front of the TV with Tabs begging for food.

What are your regular goals?
I want to make a healthy dinner at 6 o’clock every day. I want to end every day not feeling totally loony tunes, as well as feel like I did great work. as well as I want to provide Tabs additional lovies since I feel like he’s been needing his mama.

For å fullføre mandagsundersøkelsen, bare kopier det som følger med listen, samt lim den inn med svarene dine i kommentarene.


1. exactly how do you feel right now?
2. What’s one thing you’ve been doing a great deal lately?
3. What’s one of the very best things that occurred to you in 2012?
4. What are you expecting in 2013?
5. Are you protective of anyone?
6. What fragrance have you been loving lately? have you been loving any type of fragrances lately?
7. have you ever worked a retail task over the holidays?
8. Overall, exactly how would you define 2012?
9. What are you doing tonight? Are you going out for new Year’s?
10. Hva er dine vanlige mål?

It’s the last day of 2012. We made it with one more year together, as well as I feel like I state this every year, however this truly did seem to go by fast, as well as let me just state that as you get further up into your 30s, something strange occurs where the days seem to just fly by, as well as the seasons fly by, as well as it’s honestly something that I never anticipated happening.

Bare vent. wait up until it occurs to you, you’ll be like, “Hey, Karen, you were so right!”

I just want to desire you a happy new year, for one, as well as state that whatever you’re doing today, even if it’s just working, or you’re puttering around the house, or just hanging around with your family, I hope that you get to do a bit something for yourself today that makeser du lykkelig. Kanskje det maler neglene dine, eller krøller håret ditt, eller retter håret ditt, uansett hva det er. Prøv å avslutte året på et flott notat.


Før du forstår det, skal vi snakke i 2013.

Din Friendly Community Beaution Addict,
