Makeup og klageblogg Monday Poll, vol. 470

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Vel, det er ikke akkurat en meningsmåling. Det er mye mer av en jevnlig utviklende (devolving?), Noe tilfeldig liste over spørsmål jeg har satt til leserne hver mandag morgen for de siste 10 (!) År. (Det er som en kickstart for hjernen din.) Jeg har alltid gjort glede i å lese svarene dine i kommentarene, og jeg håper du gleder deg til å lese min. ?

Before you start this week’s Monday Poll, I encourage you to take a few deep breaths, and prepare yourself mentally, because you *have* to pick from among the two scenarios in each of the questions. ? You gotta pick one or the other.



Because it’s a lot more fun/messed up that way. ?

1. would you rather have to wear wool knee-high socks and boots each day during the hottest summer ever, or wear flip-flips and bare feet during the coldest winter?

Eegh! Both sound equally terrible…but I guess I’d rather have hot, sticky feet than cold, wet feet. That does NOT sound appealing… I’d opt for the boots and socks in summer.

2. would you rather run 10 miles wearing an itchy, puffy wedding gown (And you can’t stop to take any breaks. You have to run the entire time, so no walking, crawling or hitching a ride with Jake Gyllenhaal on his gorgeous, majestic horse.), or shave your left eyebrow in its entirety?

I’d pick the 10 miles in the wedding gown. It would be absolute torture, for sure, but I can’t afford to lose my left eyebrow… No way. My left eyebrow is my good brow, and I simply can’t afford to lose it.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

3. You’re in the middle of a group interview for your dream job. would you rather inadvertently poop in your pants, or have your boob fall out (and you don’t realize it for 10 minutes)? Oh, and the poop is stinky.

This one’s easy! Boob falling out.

4. would you rather have a completely drunk tattoo artist give you permanent eyebrows, or give you tattoo eyeliner?

Well, crap! This ones’s hard, because if the drunk tattoo artist messes up my brows, that’s a major focal point all jacked up, but if he/she messes up my liner, I “guess” I could conceal it, maybe, by doing smoky eyes all the time (which I practically do anyway, ha!).

But I can’t even stand the thought of having a tattoo needle anywhere near my lash lines, ugh!

I dunno… I guess I’d take my chances with the liner?

Yeah, I’d opt for the eyeliner (nooooooo!).

5. would you rather receive a gift of 100 brand new Chanel lipsticks, or 100 brand new Tom Ford lipsticks?

Too hard, too hard! Either one would be otherworldly, amaze-balls INCREDIBLE, but considering that I have to choose…I’d opt for Chanel.

Din vennlige nabolag appellavhengige,


P.S. Her er spørsmålene å kopiere / lime inn.

Remember, you have to pick one scenario or the other, because it’s a lot more messed up fun that way.


1. would you rather have to wear wool knee-high socks and boots each day during the hottest summer ever, or wear flip-flips and bare feet during the coldest winter?
2. would you rather run 10 miles wearing an itchy, puffy wedding gown (And you can’t stop to take any breaks. You have to run the entire time, so no walking, crawling or hitching a ride with Jake Gyllenhaal on his gorgeous, majestic horse.), or shave off your left eyebrow in its entirety?
3. You’re in the middle of a group interview for your dream job. would you rather inadvertently poop in your pants, or have your boob fall out (and you don’t realize it for 10 minutes)? Oh, and the poop is stinky.
4. would you rather have a completely drunk tattoo artist give you permanent eyebrows, or give you tattoo eyeliner?
5. would you rather receive a gift of 100 brand new Chanel lipsticks, or 100 brand new Tom Ford lipsticks?


Have an outstanding Monday, my sweet friend!